Life Insurance

Health Window’s rich datasets enable faster, simpler, and more realistic identification of risk – on an individual and population level.
Data Services
Our Data Services provide insights into various aspects of your members’ health, including:
- medication usage and date on which therapy was initiated;
- presence of chronic disease; and
- chronic medication adherence rates.
- Biometric results from Dis-Chem clinics
A non-adherent patient presents a higher risk of morbidity and mortality than an adherent patient with the same condition. When dispensary information is factored in, it allows for a more accurate identification of risk and appropriate pricing.
After the underwriting stage, a member may develop a chronic condition which affects his/her risk of health-related complications. Pharmacy data enables you to identify any changes to your member’s health status without having to rely on your member to report these changes in health. By running an analysis on a population-level you are able to identify high-risk groups and track the changes in risk stratification over a period of time.
Risk Scoring & Identification
Health Score incorporates various aspects of pharmacy data including the identification of chronic diseases that are present, the length of the diagnosis, and the level of patient adherence.
Individuals are categorized based on their aggregated score with respect to the score distribution across the entire Health Window dataset (approx. 8 million individuals). This score can serve as an independent factor in addition to the metrics already used when assessing risk. Pharmacy data allows us to identify the presence of disease, provided that the individual has already been diagnosed with the condition.
There are instances where someone has a high likelihood of having a condition that remains undiagnosed, or of experiencing a health-related complication. Health Window has developed machine learning algorithms to predict which individuals are likely to develop diabetes or have a cardiovascular event in the next 3 months.
Risk Management

Health Window’s business centres around the ability to improve adherence to chronic medication – results that have been proven over many years, for various clients. Patients who are managed on our services have, on average, 3 more chronic dispenses per year than those who are not managed.
Where high-risk members have been identified, management by Health Window can mitigate that risk to some extent, decreasing morbidity and mortality rates and creating value for institutions responsible for covering that risk.